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Leading Clan:

  • Gangrel (Anda)*
  • Main Clans:

  • Brujah
  • Followers of Set
  • Jiangshi
  • Nagaraja**
  • Nosferatu
  • Toreador
  • Tzimisce***
  • Other Clans:

  • Assamites
  • Cappadocian (Giovani)
  • Lasombra
  • Malkavian
  • Ravnos
  • Salubri (Watcher)
  • Virtually Unknown Clans:

  • Cappadocian (Main)
  • Gangrel (Main)
  • Lhiannan
  • Tremere
  • Ventrue

  • * Use old Anda clan weakness (modified, see there)
    ** Nagaraja only need 1 "flesh" point per month - so 1.2 bodies per IT year
    *** Use Old Clan Tzimisce (Animalism, Auspex, Dominate)


    The Anda bloodline is the dominant vampire clan in the Mongol Empire - and with their oral history of drawing their origin to Iltügen and Tengri, they view themselves as the original clan from which all vampires derive, and the Gangrel and their history drawing back to Caine as a deviant bloodline inferior to the Anda who are masters who of all they survey under Tengri's blue sky.
    Their curse of wanderlust severely hampers Anda when it comes to governing sedentary communities like Karakorum, though. So the Anda are perfectly willing to hand the reins to members of other clans, as long as they recognize the Anda as their superiors, and as long as things are to their bloodthirsty likings whenever the Anda show up in town.

    * Use old Anda clan weakness (modified):
    Anda gain animal traits like Gangrel (V:DA20 p.49), but at a rate of 1 animal trait for every 2 frenzies.
    During the summer months, their Blood Pool maximum gets halved if they are forced stay in the same place or a 10 mile radius around it for 1 week, iteratively halving for every further week they stay in the same place.


    The mainstream Assamites who swear allegiance to Alamut and the Road of Blood have a terrible standing with the Mongols, especially after 1253.
    Those who have broken off from the mainstream clan have a better relation with the Anda. There are a number of Khwarazmian and Kipchak Assamites who follow the Road of Yasa, along with the related Roads of the Beast and Chivalry.


    Chinese: Huangjin (yellow turbans, after the Romance of the Three Kingdoms rebellion led by self-proclaimed great teacher Zhang Jiao)
    Arabian: Bay't Mutashakis
    There are a number of Brujah attracted by the tolerance policy of the Mongols, who allow any religion, philosophy and creed as long as it swears allegiance to the great Khan.


    The main clan of the Cappadocians has a hard time to find their way into Central Asia, between the Giovani and the Nagaraja who both find them an annoying intrusion.
    The few Cappadocians who make their way towards Central Asia stick around the outskirts, where the recent Mongol mass slaughters provide them with plenty of study material. The Graverobber who enters very Karakorum is a very rare sight.

    Followers of Set

    Chinese: Xi Tai ("hope too much"; also phonetic approximation to Setite)
    Arabian: Walid Set
    The Setites see an opportunity in the rising Mongol Empire, an opening where they can provide new drugs and fineries.
    The Xi Tai Chinese/Tibetan Setites work under the cover of the Buddhist cult of the Lung Wang Nu, the Daughters of the Dragon King. They ostensibly trace their theology to the "Devadatta", the 12th chapter of the Lotus Sutra, in which the daughter of the dragon king Sagara offers a pearl to the Buddha, symbolizing her life and ego, and then instantly transforms into a perfected bodhisattva and attains enlightenment. Worldly luck is promised to those who chant the title of the Lotus Sutra and financially support their temple. When one delves deeper into the cult, they find it strongly influenced by the ideas of Yang Zhu (a Chinese hedonist philosopher of the Warring States period).


    Arabian: Wa'Sheen
    Gangrel are well at home at the outskirts of civilized Europe such as Georgia or the Rus Principalities, but in the Central Asian steppes from the Kipchak to Xi Xia, the territorial Gangrel have never cut it as well among the nomadic peoples as their Anda brethren.


    The Giovani present in Karakorum all trace their heritage back to the Della Passaglia, a Venetian family present since 1216. They uneasily eye the Nagaraja, who rival their mastery of Necromancy, but they don't dare to openly act against them under the watchful eye of the great Anda Khan.


    The Jiangshi are to China what the Ventrue are to Europe: The vampires tied to elites, whether political, mercantile, militarily or religiously.


    Chinese: Yinying (shadows)
    Arabian: Qabilat al-Khayal
    Some follow in the wake of Italian traders, others from ancient enclaves in China.


    Rumors speak of members of this elusive and dying bloodline dwelling among the Hoi-Yin Irgen forest people.


    Chinese: Fengzi (lunatics)
    Arabian: Bay't Majnoon
    Just as in Europe, it is hard to make generalizations about Clan Malkav. Backgrounds, goals and abilities vary as widely as their derangements.


    In the Mongolian steppe, cannibalism has long been ascribed to "the others" - the Tartars, the Keraites, the forest people and others who have fallen out of favour with the great Khan. Subjugated peoples have accused the Mongols of the same gruesome activity. Reports especially come up during harsh winters with snowfall (zhud), where the cattle is unable to graze and food provisions are dwindling. A careful Nagaraja who works under the guise of one of "the others" and doesn't actively kill anyone who will be missed can get by. The frozen steppe ground is also good at preserving fresh bodies for a much of the year.

    Tengrist shamans also make for a good cover for Nagaraja, as this role is open to both genders and as they hide their faces behind veils, providing cover for their ragged teeth.

    ** Nagaraja only need 1 "flesh" point per month - so 1.2 bodies per IT year


    Chinese: Longzhao (shrouded ones)
    Arabian: Bay't Mutasharid
    Chinese Nosferatu lorekeepers are kept in high regard, especially architects and engineers who can aid in building a city and in laying siege. Experts in the use of gun powder are especially prized.
    There is also a sizeable number of bestials, hunters and scouts who have been at home in the Central Asian steppes for a while and who can find gainful employment with the Mongols.


    The Ravnos found in Karakorum are not the lone wanderers usually found in Europe. They hail from the Delhi Sultanate, where their caste-based clan structure is still intact. Those travelling to Karakorum are mostly Vaisya seeking out the rich trade routes of the Silk Road, but there are also Brahman seeking the collected learning of East and West and/or serving as ambassadors, and Kshatriya wanting to study Mongol warfare and martial arts.


    Chinese: Wu Zao
    The Watcher Salubri are well present in China, and they don't have a need to hide their clan affiliation among the Chinese kindred. Mostly known as scholars, many also act as thieves of secrets, forbidden knowledge and ancient lore.


    Chinese: Shenmei (aesthete)
    Arabian: Ray'een al-Fen
    For the Toreador of China, the rise of the Mongol Empire rings in a golden age, where silk, gold, silver, art, drugs and other precious items are easily traded and brought together on the Silk Road, and where their refined sense of aesthetics, art and beauty is valued among the Anda Khans lusting after new experiences.


    Tremere are exceedingly rare on the Silk Road - they are far from their power bases in Central and Eastern Europe, far from opportunities to learn new Thaumaturgy, and they face a strong and entrenched foe with the Watcher Salubri.


    Georgia and the Rus Principalities, strongholds of the voivods, have recently heard of the rising Mongol Empire in the far East. While the Elders are hesitant to leave their lands they are so tied to, more adventurous neonates are willing to follow the rumors, while others are sent out as ambassadors to Karakorum.

    *** Use Old Clan Tzimisce (Animalism, Auspex, Dominate)


    Ventrue are exeedingly rare on the Silk Road. Not only are they far from their power bases in Europe - the Jiangshi view them as an embarassing and deficient bloodline of themselves.