Map of the location of Karakorum within modern Mongolia and inside the Orkhon Valley (click for larger version). Taken from this Researchgate article under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license
Karakorum has a dry-winter warm-summer continental climate. Winters are quite harsh with temperatures ranging from -6°C to -22°C, but very little snowfall. Spring and Autumn are dry and cool, with temperatures ranging from +17°C to -11°C. Summer are also cool, by European standards, with a temperature range from +10°C to +25°C. Summers are also monsoon season with the most rainfall experienced all year long (50-80mm, with half the month being rain days - most comparable weather in Germany is in October).

Karakorum (1221)
Inhabitants: 4,500, plus 30 (winter) to 2,000 (summer) Mongols in the immediate surrounding areaPopulation Breakdown:

Key for City Map:
(1) St. Sergius Church (Nestorian Christian, under construction)(2) Horse Market
(3) Jebe Noyan Mosque (Sunni Islam, Saracene Quarter)
(4) Saracene Bazaar
(5) Chinese Market
(6) Sheep and Goat Market
(7) Grain and Dairy Market
(8) House of the Most Exalted White Summer (Dragon-Gate Taoism monastery)
(9) Chinquai Palace
(10) Cattle and Cart Market
(11) Ger of currently highest ranking Mongol in attendance (usually Khatun Börte or Prince Temüge)
(12) Ger of Princess Shokoufeh, Khwrazmian Mistress of Prince Ögedei - Summer Elysium