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Karakorum, in the fertile Orkhon Valley, has been an important place for the nomads of the Mongolian steppe since ancient times. It is here where Temujin was born, and it his here where he united the hordes and assumed his new title - Genghis Khan. A name that would strike fear into the hearts of the peoples of the known world, from the Novgorod Rus to Korea, from the Hungarian plains to Japan.
From the humble beginnings as a collection of yurts in the middle of the steppe, Karakorum will grow into the political and administrative center of the Silk Road, where peoples of all races and creeds will congregate - Mongols, Chinese, Venetians, Saracens, Persians, Indians, Rus, Nestorian Christians, Buddhists, Tengrists, Muslims and even Catholics. And with them, they bring the goods, riches and skills from the entire known world.

This is the tale of Karakorum at Night, under the brutal but tolerant rule of the Anda. Will you become a treasured and influential advisor to them? Or will you steal the secrets of Majestic Rising Crow Kung Fu from the Song Chinese and rise to the role of Sheriff for the Khans of the Night? Or will you fail and be put to the slow and agonizing Death of a Thousand Cuts? Play and find out.